water safety, and the Lyon County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue equipment and operating fund for Memorial Weekend. Every business and person that donates will be placed on banners that will be displayed at the lake while we hand out vests. This is a great way to let people know your business gives back to the community, as well as advertise your business. We appreciate your time and anything you can give. Hopefully we can continue to make a difference in our communities.
If you have a life vest or other donation contact Search and Rescue Commander Patty Polish at 775-848-0252 to make arrangements for a pick-up.
Question: Does the LCSSAR charge a fee to rescue people?
Answer: The LCSSAR is composed of volunteers who are professionally trained to rescue lost people, and because they are unpaid volunteers, there are no fees charged for a legitimate search and rescue mission. The LCSSAR will also accept donations from groups or individuals to help offset costs of equipment and mission costs.
Question: How does someone contact you for a Search And Rescue? Answer: You should contact the Lyon County Sheriff's Office by calling 911 and give the details to the dispatcher. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office will contact us and we will start planning the process of the Search or Rescue.
Question: What types of rescues does LCSSAR perform?
Answer: The LCSSAR participates in many kinds of rescues, in all types of conditions, like:
Project Life Vest: SAVE A LIFE The Lyon County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue holds an annual life vest donation fundraiser. Search and Rescue members are taking the initiative to be proactive in the attempt to prevent drownings in our local waterways.
The Search and Rescue Division is looking for the donation of new life vests for children under the age of 13. These life vests will be given out during the Memorial Day weekend at Lake Lahontan, by Search and Rescue members. We will also educate the parents and children on the proper fit of a life vest.
There are three ways to help us achieve our goal. The first option is to donate new life vests in sizes: 25-50 lbs., 50-90 lbs., extra small adult, small adult, and regular adult. The second option is to donate items we can raffle or use for prizes during our Fifteenth Annual Bingo Night on April 12th. This is a great way to donate items related to your business and get your name out to the public. The third option is a monetary donation. Proceeds from our fundraiser will go to the purchasing of life vests, educating the public on
Lyon County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Information